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Taija Rae Executive Slut

Rent Taija Rae Executive Slut DVD

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(In sleeve no artwork)
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Performers Director Studio Category Details
  Alpha Blue
Duration: 2 hours
Date Added: 06/20/14
Production Year:  
Format: DVD

Member Reviews (1) Write a Review

Reviewed by   01/11/08
Taija Rae is one of my favs from the 80s and this title has a lot of sex on it. Most of her scenes on this DVD are early on in her career I can tell because she was on the chunky side when she began but really slimmed down toward the very end of her career. The sex scenes are not bad but none are among her best, it seems they just grabbed as many on hand to make this compilation. It's still worth viewing if you like her work. The brief interview with her at the end is a fun read.