Taboo 01

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Rent Taboo 01 DVD

Description: Taboo is a landmark adult film. This 1980 adult motion picture broke through many barriers and has not only been a perennial best seller in the adult video world.

Performers Director Studio Category Duration (approximate)
Kirdy Stevens Standard Digital 70 minutes
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Member Reviews (7) Write a Review

Reviewed by   11/07/10
This is the hottest of the hot. When it came out in 1980 i could not hardly believe they made a full lenth explicit hardcore film about this taboo subject. More common than most would accept and myself being in a adult relationship with my mother in those days the film really came home and with great climaxes as do relationships of this type from personnal experiance. Mike Ranger watching his mom in the shower and getting turned on. Kay Parker saying im cumming and the finale climax of Mike Ranger with Kay Parkers legs way up. There is also great sex scenes inbetween the relationship with Dorthy Lemay and an orgy. If you have not had this relationship as i have but fantasized about it this ones for you. Only wish there had been attension to moms butt.

Reviewed by   12/29/08
I think kay parker is a star. I like the movie alot, all the ladies where great, good movie!

Reviewed by   12/19/08
This is a Good Movie containing Sex. As a classic Film the Sex scenes are short and not all the girls are that hot. But this is not a fuck movie. It is a movie with the sex scenes left in and would be best for couples that want to watch a porn but not just fucking.

Reviewed by   09/22/08
A masterpiece of classic erotic cinema. Kay Parker sizzles and her castmates put in good performances as well.I thought the sex was hot,but a common complaint I hear from critics who are new to the golden age of blue movies is that the sex scenes are too short.You can't reasonably expect to have four or five twenty minute sex scenes in a ninety minute movie and still have room to squeeze in a viable plot.In my humble opinion,gonzo has effectively destoyed porn as an artform.So,to sum it up,if you want to be stimulated intellectually as wll as sexually,"TABBOO" is a good choice to do both!

Reviewed by   07/12/08
I thought this show was way overrated,the sex wasnt all that great,only 1 scene any good,its not really worth renting.

Reviewed by   02/11/08
This is what makes an adult movie hot, the special window dressing. Here the reality of husbands leaving wives for younger women and the wife, through choice or fate, re-waken their own sexuality. The intrigue is pushing the boundaries and keeping within a well done drama.

We were annoyed about the swing party scene since we know the rules; When a person says no, it is no, and a pushy guy would had begin call upon or ask to leave. Of course this being a movie and needing conflict to move the story on, it is acceptable to those who know.

What gives a it 5 star; the slow burn of Kay Parker's character, her son & girlfriend and how Kay goes through her own conflict of opportunity for a well endowed man. We specially like the mix of middle age and young people, the closing conflict of Mom's new boyfriend & the lover son and quick pace. No real extra filler to delude the storyline and real locations of SF & Sausalito, not all studio.

Adult movies need to achieve what mainstream movies do to standout from the rest of the pack, offer alternate realities or escape, this does.
Also, we apply this to all movies, if it starts a conversation of "what if?" or "Can this really happen?", then the movie really gets our attention.

Diner Movie or Wine & Cheese, either is ok. Next.

Reviewed by   06/28/07
This is very well put together from start to finish and is one of the better classics of all time. I think the Tawny Pearl and Mike Ranger scene is one of the hottest you will ever find. The orgy scene at the end is way too short, that's the only thing lacking otherwise it is a solid classic.

Industry Reviews (2)

Reviewed by   02/20/02 Source: AdultDVDTalk

A film review by Flash

Movie Specs:
Edition Details: Limited Edition
Run Time: One hour and 26 minutes
Rated: XXX
Year of Release: 1980
Director: Kirdy Stevens
Written by: Helene Terrie
Cast: Kay Parker, Mike Ranger, Dorothy Le May, Miko Yama, Juliet Anderson, Tawny Pearl, Jesse Adams (as Jessie Adams), Don Fernando, Lee Le May, Turk Lyon, Brooke West, Sarah Harris, Michael Morrison, T.J. Carson, Holly McCall, Valerie Paulson, Star Wood (as Star Woods), Ken Scudder (as ...

Reviewed by   03/05/01 Source: AdultDVDTalk

Starring: Kay Parker, Dorothy LeMay, Juliet Anderson, Tawny Pearl, Lynn Shannon, Mike Ranger

Directed By: Kirdy Stevens

In my old college lit classes Oedipus Rex was my "go to" play. If we were called upon to write essays on irony, tragedy, flawed characters, or any of the other big dramatic topics for discussion, I always turned to that father killing, eye poking, incestuous king for source material. Of course, I didn't know shit about Medea or Troilus and Cressida, but I didn't have to; I had my regal Greek motherfuckers down. Kirdy Stevens' Taboo barely resembles the themes of Oedipus Rex, and we all agree that it's unfair to hold any pornographic work to the same standard of Sophocles' greatest play, and yet I'm gonna do it anyway.

Taboo is the story of a boy and his mother. But it's more than that, it's also the story of the boy's slutty girlfriend, the mother's slutty confidant, a horny boss, a house full of crazed swingers, and a really cute girl who sucks the boy's dick by invitation from the boy's aforementioned slutty girlfriend. There's no hubris, no eye gouging, and no oracle delivering news of impending doom. Taboo, the first and most famous in a long running series of adult movies, goes right in lots of ways, but its wisest decision is in not taking itself too seriously. Of course, it's easy to argue that it does take itself seriously, only that it does such a poor job selling itself as legitimate, that we just don't accept it seriously. Same difference, I suppose. You be the judge.

Kay Parker plays the distraught mother of teenaged Mike Ranger (whose real life teenage years appear to be way behind him). We learn in the film's opening scene that her husband--and Ranger's dad--leaves her for his secretary because Parker is too frigid. Of course this doesn't seem to be a valid excuses as we've just seen him bone her reverse cowgirl in the bedroom. Perhaps her massive (and very real) breasts are more than he can handle. But plots are made to move forward, so for the rest of the film we watch her anguish over her own sexuality and her changing relationship with her only son.

If we accept the idea that incest themed porn was once a sub genre of x-rated entertainment, then we must also accept that one of its hallmarks is the distraught and lonely parent. Incest, to be sure, is a bitter pill to swallow, so why should depression, loneliness and angst make it any more palatable? Well, it's my opinion that the filmmakers knew that we'd never go along with a parent--male or female--acting as a predator. Instead, when we first see Kay Parker take Ranger's dick into her mouth we're asked to interpret it as a catharsis. I'm not exactly sure that makes the incest theme any more acceptable, but if you like your porn with a little bit of an edge, there you have it.

Keep in mind, this is only a movie, and these actors probably didn't even know each other off set. If just the idea of a mother getting it on with her son is unsettling to you, then don't watch those parts. You'd be doing yourself a disservice, however, if you missed out on Dorothy LeMay who plays Ranger's girlfriend. If I had any musical talent at all, I'd pen folk songs about how horny she makes me. LeMay is one of my all time favorite adult actresses, and this is one of her best films. Watch the expression on her face when a friend walks in on her with Ranger's schlong in her mouth. Her eyes are so glazed over with lust you can't tell if she's sucking his dick or freebasing it. Later, in their second scene together, Ranger pulls out in time to pop in her mouth only to have her slowly guide his cock back into her so he can fuck her a little more. It's no wonder that Stevens decided to make her the star of the follow up, Taboo II, which should be on DVD, but isn't.

Taboo is dated in many respects, but it's those anachronistic elements which make it so attractive to a true fan of porn. The girls are all natural, energetic, and called upon to deliver actual dialogue whether or not they've got the talent to do so convincingly. You simply don't find women like Kay Parker in today's movies. She's an honest to goodness "grown up" and contrasts sharply to the blonde, blue-eyed contract girls so common at the moment. She's a sexy woman, no doubt, and that explains a lot for why we buy into the idea that a young man like Ranger would want her. Fans of big tits will certainly understand.

Still, there's that incest obstacle to get around, and that's a pretty big obstacle. If it helps, think of Taboo as a comedy, and just enjoy watching the sex. Of course, it's not intended to be funny, but watch Juliet Anderson as Parker's sex addicted best friend work herself to orgasm while trying to also be a supportive shoulder to cry on. That's funny, whether or not it's supposed to be.

Is all of this good filmmaking, though? Certainly, Taboo is a bonified adult classic. By blue movie standards, sure, I'll call it good filmmaking. The dialogue is stiff, the story is predictable, and the situations are absurd, but it's also very influential and most of the time it's damned sexy. Sometimes we like our porn dirty, and Taboo is a dirty movie. The bigger adult studios will put out one or two big budget movies every year and rally their PR machine around them. Invariably, these releases are extravaganzas with outlandish costumes, expensive props, and exotic locations. I like those movies, for the most part, but isn't it interesting that a film like Taboo can deliver that big movie feel without all the colorful set dressing?

There really aren't any extras on this DVD, and the transfer is only as good as its source material, but all said Taboo is a DVD worth having. You aren't going to find a better copy on VHS and you'd be hard pressed to find a more influential adult film altogether.