Euphoria (Bonus Disc)

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Description: The Making of Euphoria, Euphoria PreProduction, Bad Luck on Euphoria, Behind the FX, Deleted Scenes, Extended Scenes, Al Music Video, Sydnee Steele Photo Shoot, Girls of Euphoria, Bloopers,

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Brad Armstrong Director Bio Wicked  
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Reviewed by   02/09/09 Source: AdultDVDTalk


Euphoric Ecstasy.


Euphoria won 13 AVN awards, and has gotten great reviews. I'm looking forward to it.


Big budget porn has come a long way since 2001...

Reviewed by   09/19/02 Source: AdultDVDTalk

Euphoria (2001)


Mega Budget Feature

Brad Armstrong

Sydnee Steele, Devinn Lane, Inari Vachs, Asia Carrera, Bridgette Kerkove, Ava Vincent, Felicia, Jezebelle Bond, Nikita Denise, Shay Sweet, Charlene Aspen, Tanya Danielle, April, Lee Stone, Dillon Day, Mike Horner, Cheyne Collins, Billy Glide...

Reviewed by   08/13/02 Source: AdultDVDTalk

Directed by: Brad Armstrong

Cast: Sydnee Steele, Devinn Lane, Inari Vachs, Asia Carrera, Bridgette Kerkove, Ava Vincent, Felecia, Jezebelle Bond, Nikita Denise, Shay Sweet, Charlene Aspen, Tanya Danielle, April, Lee Stone, Dillon Day, Mike Horner, Cheyne Collins, Billy Glide, Pat Myne, Evan Stone, Marc Davis, Erik Everhard, Nick Manning, Dale Dabone

Well we have waited over six months for Wicked to release it's awarding winning Euphoria on DVD and the question on everyone's mind is....was it worth the wait?

Hell yes!

Wicked pulled out all the stops on this two disc set. The movie itself is offered in widescreen with 5.1 surround sound, Dolby digital or DTS. There is also an option to let you know when there are multiple angles available. Of the three multiple angle scenes I found the angle options were usually up to 5 different choices. You could also tell these were 5 different angles with very little distortion or discoloration between the different shots. Meaning the different angle was probably shot with the same level of camera unlike most movies where the different angle looks to have been shot by your standard over the counter camcorder. For an audio selection you can also chose the regular soundtrack or a commentary with Sydnee Steele, Brad Armstrong and Ava Vincent. Being a fan of commentaries I really liked this option. Especially their using one of the supporting cast along with the movies star and director.

The extras on disc one are what we have come to expect from Wicked as their ??standard?? set. Audio Bios, Star Galleries, Photo Galleries, Behind the Scenes Gallery, Wicked Web, Wicked Casino, Wicked Awards and the Company Profile.

For those of you who missed the (gasp) video release the movie takes place in the future where depending on the part of the movie you are watching the world has either been destroyed by some type of war or it is one where corporations control all and debt is a capital offense. The heroine of the piece Melina (Sydnee Steele) has volunteered as a test subject in drug experiments in order to have her debt erased. The movie jumps from fantasy to reality to the point where even Melina is unsure as to which version of the future is real.

The sex scenes in this feature are probably a little more "hard core" then people have come to expect from Wicked but they work extremely well and believe it or not they all further the story instead of just being used as filler material. Things start off with Lee Stone and Bridgette Kerkove. Lee's make-up was extraordinary and while the sex is good it isn't fantastic. However, while I have never been a big fan of Miss Kerkove's I will be the first to admit that she looks fantastic in this segment.

Next up is Miss Look At Me When I Am Talking to You Bitch (aka Asia Carrera) as AI having a virtual sex encounter with Sydnee's ex (loser) boyfriend played by Cheyne Collins. This is an extremely well done scene in every respect from hot sex to outstanding make-up and set design. Mr. Armstrong has done an excellent job in crafting an image that actually gives you the impression this is what a virtual sex scene would look like.

Sydnee finally gets to have a little fun when she gets it on with Cheyne Collins for old time's sake. This is first of her five scenes in this feature and it is great from start to finish. Her other scenes are a girl/girl scene with Ava Vincent, part of an orgy segment with Marc Davis, another scene with Cheyne Collins and Inari Vachs and finally the last scene with Dillon Day and Inari Vachs. Each of these scenes is fantastic though I would have to say the girl/girl with Ava Vincent would be my favorite. Watching little Miss Vincent "take charge" of Sydnee who is by no means a little girl was inspiring.

Ava Vincent is another woman I haven't paid much attention to in the past but if this feature is any indication I am going to have to start. She not only pulls off an outstanding acting performance but her role as the dominant in both her scenes with Mike Horner and Sydnee Steele is a sight to behold. I can't figure out why she wasn't nominated for best supporting actress for this movie.

This movie has two "group" sex scenes. One is at the House of Indigo in Sydney's fantasy world. There are at least four groups going at once but you hardly notice the transitions and it all flows nicely. Of special note is Devinn's flogging of Nikita Denise while she is being fucked by Erik Everhard and Jezebelle Bond paying special attention to Felecia. Unfortunately you don't see much of Ava throughout this scene but something that should not be missed is the incredible visual of Inari and Sydnee each riding their men in the reverse cowgirl position side by side on the couch. That is truly a site to behold.

The second group sex scene is at the sex club where Sydnee worked before she was put in jail. There are four different scenes going on at once but again the action still flows nicely. What is even better is that on disc two you can see each of the scenes separately in their entirety. You have Tanya Danielle and Shay Sweet playing student (Shay) and nurse (Tanya), Charlene Aspen taking on Pat Myne and Billy Glide and finally Evan Stone taking on April and Bridgette. Of note is the fact that you won't even recognize April considering she is wearing a bald headpiece with one long pony tail coming off of it. She looks incredible. While these scenes are short in the movie the extended versions show all the hot action you missed the first time around.

The last two scenes are both three ways featuring Sydnee and Inari. The first one is the center stage club scene with Cheyne Collins and the final scene with Dillon Day. Each of these is expertly performed and well balanced between the two women. Though it did make me wish we could have seen Inari and Sydnee spend some quality time together.

All in all, this movie is beautifully done with a cast that can act and a script that actually requires them to do so. Now if only all adult features were made to this same standard.

While the movie itself is enough to go out and buy this disc the extras on disc two raised the bar even further. Here you have the following segments:
All Access : the Making of Euphoria
Bad Luck on Euphoria
Behind the FX
Deleted Scenes
Extended Scenes
AI (Asia Carrera) Music Video
Sydnee Steele Photo Shoot
Girls of Euphoria
Interviews with Sydnee Steele, Mike Horner, Ava Vincent, Bridgette Kerkove and Lee Stone.

All Access : the making of Euphoria runs for an hour and covers pretty much everything that went into making this movie (even the pick-up days). What it leaves out you can find in the segment on Pre-production which covers the script, scouting locations, props and the making of the prosthetic make-up pieces. The Behind the FX shows how some of the special effects were done in this movie. All of these were great though I felt the FX segment kind of dragged on a little but for someone interested in an explanation of how specific shots were accomplished I am sure it would be very interesting.

It is in the All Access section where you first learn of the stolen tapes from the Wicked Studios which explains the low resolution shots in some of the features on disc two. As well as an entire segment covering all the bad luck that seemed to plague this production from a wrecked prop van to a set of lights coming down and destroying a set (luckily no one was on it at the time).

The deleted scenes are acting segments that got cut for various reasons. While the extended scenes are as I pointed out before from the club scene only. Unfortunately the house orgy did not get the same treatment. The AI music video is exactly what it says. In this movie Asia's character (AI) is the ultimate media star on the net and this is a segment of her dancing and lip synching to one of "her" songs. It came out really well even if Asia doesn't like to dance. The Sydnee Steele photo shoot is different then the ones included in most Wicked features in that it doesn't have the photo shoot feel to it. It is mostly shot in a video style so that you don't even realize you are watching different photo shoots. The Girls of Euphoria is pretty much the same thing and includes all the female cast with the exception of Charlene Aspen.

The Bloopers section is what you would expect from an adult movie. A lot of flubbed lines, cell phones left on, Evan Stone yawning while getting a blowjob from April and Bridgette. You know the usual. Though Evan is noticeably absent from most of the bloopers reel which is surprising considering his comic presence throughout the extras set.

Lastly we have the interviews segment which with the exception of Sydnee's which was obviously done after the AVN Awards in January the rest were done during the filming of the movie. Though still an interesting watch if you are interested in that little extra something.

If all that is not enough for you then Wicked's DVD wizard David Crawford has still managed to hide a total of 12 eggs throughout discs one and two. They range from the strange to the amusing (i.e. loose kitten principle).

My only complaints on this DVD seem to be the standard ones you find in a lot of movies. On occasion the music overpowers what is being said especially a the start of a sex scene and the story seems to jump around a little bit in that you feel there is more you are missing that could have been further explained. The ending is not much of an "ending" per se in that it could easily be the start of part two. Though I hope that is not the case as sequels rarely live up to the original.

Wicked has put together a DVD that should easily be nominated for DVD release of the year and I can't think of anything out there right now that would be considered competition for this set at the moment.

I can think of no better disc for someone who wants to see a storyline and great acting along with their sex.

Reviewed by   08/03/02 Source: AdultDVDTalk

Running Time: 138 min. (cover states 140 min.)

Production Date: 7 / 8 / 2001 (cover) 8 / 10 / 2001 (feature)

Director: Brad Armstrong

Cast: Sydnee Steele, Devinn Lane, Inari Vachs, Asia Carrera, April, Felecia, Ava Vincent, Nikita Denise, Shay Sweet, Tanya Danielle, Jezebelle Bond, Charlene Aspen Bridgette Kerkove, Evan Stone, Mark Davis, Dillion Day, Billy Gylde, Cheyne Collins, Dale DaBone, Eric Everhard, Lee Stone, Mike Horner, Nick Manning, and Pat Myne

Initial Expectations: Euphoria got a lot of great ...