My Play Toy 01

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Rent My Play Toy 01 DVD
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  Smash Pictures  
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Reviewed by   04/02/04 Source: AdultDVDTalk

The Little Details

Running Time: over 120 min. total (includes both angles)

Production Date: 12 / 17 - 18 / 2003

Director: Suitcase Jones

Cast: Aria, T. J. Hart, Kyle Stone, and Dillion Day

The Short Story

Initial Expectations: Ive had much more bad luck from interactive DVDs than good luck. I now seem to go into every one except for a few with low expectations. Ive been impressed enough with Smashs other releases that Im really not sure what to expect here.

Reviewed by   10/08/03 Source: AdultDVDTalk

I am going to keep this short because there are other reviews of this movie. This movie is terrible and very weak. Even if you are a huge TJ Hart or Aria fan, dont bother.

1. Cant see girls heads in sex positions
2. Fake cumshots are more laughable then anything
3. The 2 real cumshots are lame
4. There are only two threesome segments
5. No enthusiasm
6. Blowjob scenes (my favorite in a movie like this) are poorly done

1. Two anal positions (missionary and doggie)

Reviewed by   08/04/03 Source: AdultDVDTalk

My Play Toy, starring TJ Hart and Aria, is just about the nuttiest porn movie Ive ever watched. Now, I watched it because I was curious, curious to see what an interactive DVD sex simulator might be. Ive seen interactive scenes before and learned right away I wasnt a fan, but I thought perhaps an entire disc might be different. Anyway, it was worth a look.

If you like these kinds of things, you can stop reading now. Like certain fetishes, I just dont get it. Maybe it takes an imagination in some ways shaped by video games. I couldnt tell you, though, because Dragons Lair was about as far ...

Reviewed by   07/17/03 Source: AdultDVDTalk


This one should be interesting. There are a lot of "sex simulators" on the market, and virtually all of them use the same basic formula. But the majority of them don't include any really nasty sex. With Smash at the helm, I'm hoping to rectify this situation.

Capsule Review

This is a good release and a nice addition to anyone's interactive library. Smash does indeed score by treading some new ground with this one. Though it is obvious that they didn't spend the budget that is used by some of the bigger companies. I found it absolutely hilarious that they branded this DVD under the "Digital Skin" logo and bascially cloned the look and feel of Digital Sin's "My Plaything". But they added the nasty shit to try to grab a new market.


The video and audio on this release are nice and clear. The controls function nicely, which is a testament to a nice mastering job.


Suitcase Jones


Interviews, behind the scenes, photo gallery, trailers

Target Audience

Gonzo fans, interactive fans

Model Review

Model 1 - TJ Hart

Smash takes an interesting tack with this release. Rather than having "nice" and "nasty" modes, they use two models with each one taking a role. TJ is this discs "nice" girl. She is a good looking blond with a tight body, though to be perfectly honest, TJ is beginning to show a little wear around the edges. Still attractive though. She plays the nice girl to the tee, without the syruppy sweet horeshit that is so prevalent in many of the virtual titles. Rather, she just seems to be a sexy girl-next-door type that likes to fuck.

Model 2 - Aria

No, this is not Andrew Blake's Aria, but rather Marie Silva using a pseudonym. She is a reasonably cute brunette who wears way too much makeup (even by my standards) in order to try to give herself an "exotic" look. She is, like TJ, starting to show her years. But she doesn't retain as much of her natural sexiness as TJ does. So she tries to make up for it by playing the "nasty" girl. And she does so with great success!

Position Review

Position 1 - Tease

There are 4 sub menus to the Tease menu: Strip, Solo, Vibrator & Dildo. All of the action in these positions is masturbatory and vaginal. The vibrator is clit only, for penetration you need to watch solo (fingers) or dildo. I personally like masturbation scenary, and as such, I was pleased with these offerings. While they weren't spectacular, they certainly kept my interest, particularly Aria's approach to the Dildo scene. Whack Factor: 8

Position 2 - Fetish

The Fetish menu is comprised of Blowjob, Titty Fuck and Foot Fuck. The blowjobs are good by both girls, though the scenes are way too short. The Titty Fucks are a complete waste of time. Maybe if you are a huge fan of this type of action you should be excited, but for the rest of us, this is filler. The Foot Fucks (on the other hand) are a daring deviation from the norm that seem to work on some levels. Whack Factor: 6

Position 3 - Sex

Here is where this disc readily stands out from its competitiors. The sub menus are: 3 Some, Missionary, Mish Anal, Doggie and Doggie Anal. The inclusion of the extensive anal options as well as the 3 Some cause this disc to really stand out among the competition. Raincoater's should feel a much greater affinity with this disc than with any of the other virtual titles that this reviewer has seen. Nice! Whack Factor: 8

Position 4 - Bukkake

When I saw this option, I was completely intrigued. I couldn't wait to punch the menu item. However, after watching the presentation I am flabbergasted. Was this a joke? Basically, the girl lays on her back and asks for it. There are no guys to be seen. Rather, huge streams of obviously fake cum start to spurt out from the sides of the screen. My guess is that there are 4 guys offstage with ketchup bottles launching these streams. Aria couldn't even keep a straight face during this one. C'mon Smash, how about a "real" bukkake scene instead of this artificial crap? Whack Factor: 4 (for the comedic relief)

In Conclusion

All in all, this is a very daring departure from your typical "My Plaything" type virtual sex simulators. It is much more kinky, in keeping with Smash's persona. If you enjoy virtual sex DVDs and like anal and kink, this one is well worth a spin.

Overall Whack Factor: 7

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