Pirate Fetish Machine: Wild Circle, The

313 (13)
Rent Pirate Fetish Machine: Wild Circle, The DVD
Performers Director Studio Category Duration (approximate)
Susu Medusa Gottardi Private 105 minutes
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Reviewed by   05/01/06 Source: AdultDVDTalk

Pirate Fetish Machine: The Wild Circle.

Director: Susi Medusa Gottardi.

Making of:Apparently "making of" means showing some random fuck and BTS footage with annoying Euro-disco played over the top of of it. Not exactly an exploration of the filmmaking process.
Trailer: The trailer for this title.
Cast: The usual step-throughs of the disc's female cast.
Photobook: A bunch of hi-res action stills that you navigate yourself in step format.
Production Notes: Some badly-written copy, nominal credits for ...

Reviewed by   07/19/03 Source: AdultDVDTalk

Well, this is one devout Private/Pirate Video Deluxe/Pirate Fetish Machine fan that absolutely disagrees with the two previous reviewers. The series has taken an unfortunate downturn with the exit of Kovi and the entrance of Susi Medusa. And, believe me, she ain't no Tanya Hyde!

Sure, the women are gorgeous, and, for the most part, the sex is pretty hot, but the use of the odd, image-squeezing camera lenses was quite distracting. Oh, and what's with that ridiculously goofy wig on the lead guy?

Kovi had the longest run with the series so I can only assume that his bosses must have thought he was doing something right! I really enjoyed his highly polished and technically flawless vignettes, heavy theatrical makeup and all.

Hey, Private/Pirate, bring back Kovi...or Frank...or Tanya!

Reviewed by   07/07/03 Source: AdultDVDTalk

The Wild circle

Directed by Susi Medusa Gottardi

Overall Impression
Much like my good friend aybesea I had high hopes for this one. I totally share aybesea's perspective on Kovi's mishandling of Private's Pirate line. Once upon a time the Pirate Video Deluxe flicks from Tanya Hyde and Frank Thring made it my favorite series. Unfortunately Kovi seriously dropped the ball in my opinion. It's not that he is untalented, because he has made many fine movies for Private's other lines like the Black Label line, but rather he never captured the edge or ...

Reviewed by   06/26/03 Source: AdultDVDTalk


I have liked the previous installments of this series. This episode marks the debut of new director Susi Medusa. I am enthused to see if she can take this series to a level that eluded Kovi.

Capsule Review

This episode of Fetish Machine gives a great shot in the arm to this entirely too predictable series. Susi really does a good job of pulling this volume up and into the spotlight.


The technicals of this DVD are up to Private's usual high standards. Much of the film is dark, but I believe this is stylistic and not poor ...